Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Smart Response Tutorial

Smart Response- upload students

Here are some new, improved, better directions to upload your students into Smart Response (Senteos... or clickers).
This will save you a bunch of time creating those excel spreadsheets....because they are already created for you in PARS.  Who knew?  I didn't, until this week. 
1) Log On to Dashboard.  (Go to Inside Parkway) 
2) To access PARS from the Dashboard click the Book Burst icon (bottom left corner) and navigate Start > Student Data Reporting > PARS Report Manager.  The report Teacher Class List for Senteo Import is under the Common Assessment folder
3) Pull up Central Middle  -You are able to pull up your own class lists and export them. 
4) Export them as an excel file and save to your desktop.  Then resave them to your desktop as a csv file.  Use the csv file whe importing names into smart repsonse.
Thansk to Amy Harness ro these tips:)