Before reimaging a machine PLEASE READ THIS POST and backup the machine.
START on page 9 of the CRS Quick Reference Guide.
This is a pretty accurate guide.
One correction is on number 2
2. 1st Screen: Microsoft Windows 98 Startup Menu
Choose the appropriate network card
Most will be #4 (Broadcom B57)
Marvell Yukon option for the 6555b laptop (Image with Office 2010 for new elementary images)
For the laptop model 6715b, use #6 (CORRECTION- use #5)
Press Enter
START on page 9 of the CRS Quick Reference Guide.
This is a pretty accurate guide.
One correction is on number 2
2. 1st Screen: Microsoft Windows 98 Startup Menu
Choose the appropriate network card
Most will be #4 (Broadcom B57)
Marvell Yukon option for the 6555b laptop (Image with Office 2010 for new elementary images)
For the laptop model 6715b, use #6 (CORRECTION- use #5)
Press Enter