Friday, October 1, 2010

How to reimage a machine

Before reimaging a machine PLEASE READ THIS POST and backup the machine.

START on page 9 of the CRS Quick Reference Guide.
This is a pretty accurate guide.
One correction is on number 2

2. 1st Screen: Microsoft Windows 98 Startup Menu
Choose the appropriate network card
Most will be #4 (Broadcom B57)
Marvell Yukon option for the 6555b laptop (Image with Office 2010 for new elementary images)
For the laptop model 6715b, use #6 (CORRECTION- use #5)
Press Enter

Registering Procedure Checklist

Before reimaging a machine:
write a ticket to the tech help desk to let them know to delete the machine. Give the name of the machine.
After reimaging the machine
1) log in as an administrator or reg... and rename the machine
2) Go into the I: drive and open the ITAM folder, install ITAM
Restart the machine and log in as REG... and click registerstudent or registerstaff from the Applications Window. Machines that are registered to staff will have the applications automatically pushed out to the machine. Tell the tech help desk to push out the apps for a student registered machine by identifying the group/ room number of the machine. Include what printers to add to the machine and any specialty apps.

Laptop Battery Replacement Procedure

Make sure the computer is plugged in with a power cord. Use HP battery test found in the Control Panel. If there is no charge, write a ticket to the Tech Help desk including the computer name, serial number, and part number. The serial and part number should be that of the computer, not the battery. Print a copy of the ticket and include it with the old battery when sending it back to the help desk. Make a note of the battery replacement in ITAM for your records.

NOTE-  When replacing multiple batteries, enter one ticket for all batteries instead of multiple tickets.  Add all of the info in the notes section or attach a spreadsheet.

"Tree/ Server Cannot be found"

If you get this message when trying to log in to a desktop, the internet cable is probably not connected properly. Check both ends of the cable or try replacing it with another cable. When you see this message on a laptop, the wireless is probably turned off;)

Assigning Printers to Computers in a room/ "Group"

Write the technology help desk and ask for a certain "group", usually associated with the room number in the computer's name, to print to a certain printer/s. This works for laptop carts as well. Use white electrical tape to label each printer by name in the building. This makes it easy for all users to identify the printers.

Installing Printers Using i-Print

Log-in as a teacher or administrator. Type the word "print" into the URL, browser address bar. A list of all of the district printers will appear in alphabetical order. Find your schools printers by locating the printers that start with the abbreviation for your school, i.e. CMS for Central Middle Schoolt. Click the printers that you want to install form the list. Each download takes about 3 minutes. If you are having trouble, select the install i-print from the top part of the screen. Then try again.

Note for CRS:  Printers must be added manually by the building administrator to staff machines.  For student machines, email Kevin B. the group that needs to print to a certain printer and then restart the machine to see the printers in the printer and faxes section.

Applications Window (SS)

If an application in the student application's window contains (SS), aka "snapshot", after it, it must be first launched under an administrative login. Next, log in as a student and launch the program. An example of this is PhotoStory (SS).

HP Active Chat

Go to the technology homepage choose HP Links. This will take you to a list that includes HP Active Chat. At this link you will choose "launch an active chat session". Once you have completed the chat, HP will ask for all of your contact information. Have this already handy in a Word document so that you can just cut and paste it at the end. The contact info should include your name, school address, and two phone numbers. Make sure to print the chat or save it as a pdf. Also, copy the tracking ticket and file a copy until all replacement parts are received.


Remove Zen Works App and Novell Client

If it is necessary to remove the Zen /Novell login for sending in a computer to HP follow these steps:

1. LOG INTO the computer with the Workstation Only Box checked, as the computer will need to be logged in through Windows in the future.

2. My computer, click on Add/ remove programs under Systems Task, remove ZEN Works App FIRST and then Novell client for workstation SECOND.

The next step is only necessary if you are sending the computer to HP.  Do not do this step if you are removing Zen and Novell for an SSD teacher or a teacher who plans to use their regular login.
3.  Control Panel, user accounts, choose "change the users logon and off", choose "use the welcome screen".