Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sync Up the Computer with an Internet Time Source

On the Taskbar right click on the time in the lower right corner
and select Adjust Date/Time from the pop up menu.

On the opening screen of The Date and Time Properties window verify
the month, year, and date are correct, and make any changes if needed.

Click on the Internet Time tab. 
Make sure the Automatically synchronize with

an Internet time server box is checked. Select the time.windows.com time server from the

drop down list or type it in. Click Apply when finished.
Click Update Now.
Click OK when finished.
Credit for this information goes to Dale Rapp:)

Wireless for Laptops that don't have Novell

Windows Remote Desktop Directions For CRS needing Wireless Code without Novell

First Step – Turn on Remote Access
Right click on My Computer and go to Properties.  Click on the Remote tab and make sure in the Remote Desktop area that “Allow Users to Connect remotely to this computer” is checked.  Click Apply and then close window.
Second Step – Obtaining the IP address
Make sure laptop is plugged into the network at your building.  Go to Start/Run and type cmd in the space and click OK.  A black DOS window will open.  At the C: prompt type ipconfig.  The IP address is listed as shown in picture.

Credit for this information goes to Jill Brenton:)

How to Use Senteo Smart Response

Pull the excel file with your class list onto your desk top.

  1. Open your Senteo notebook.
  2. At some point, you’ll be asked to name your classroom.  I would recommend just "Teacher_Name" ...i.e. "Schmitt".  Don’t specify AM or PM because the name you give becomes the name for all your classes.  Unfortunately, I can’t remember when it asks for this.  It’s a one-time-only thing.
  3. Under Senteo, choose Senteo Manager.
  4. Under File, choose Import Class From then Microsoft Excel.
  5. Find the first file and click on it.
  6. The kids’ names should appear in the Manager.
  7. Under File, click Save and name your file.
  8. When you turn on the clickers (make sure the sensor that comes with the Senteo system is plugged into your computer), it will make a guess at what class you want.  If it doesn’t show whatever you’ve named your classroom (Rocklage?), you have to go down to Find a Class.  After you’ve gotten your class, you have to put in their ID number.  I always assign clicker #1 to kid #1 and so on.  That makes it easier to put in their IDs.
  9. Go ahead with the quiz.
  10. After you’re finished, go to Senteo at the top of the page and choose Export Results To and choose where you want the results to end up.  Don’t forget this step!!  If you don’t do this, you lose all your scores.
Credit for these Instructions goes to Patty Roe...Thnx Patty:)