Friday, October 29, 2010

How to Install Senteo and Notebook Software for WIndows

UNINSTALL ALL SMART RELATED SOFTWARE (i.e. Notebook, Smart Driver, old versions of Notebook, Smart essentials for eduators)  DO NOT remove the galleries.
Install SENTEO SOFTWARE SETUP.EXE  before installing SmartSP1FullInstall

All of the installers are located on the server at S:\PC_Setup\Applications\Specialty Apps\SmartBoard\Version 10
To activate Notebook software 10:
If you did not type the product key during the installation, you can activate Notebook software after the installation.
Press the SMART Board icon in the notification area, and then select Welcome to Notebook. Help/Support tab. Activate Software.

Follow the on-screen instructions.
When asked to enter the product key - this can be found under the text document SMART product key located on the S drive S:\PC_Setup\Applications\Specialty Apps\SmartBoard\Version 10
The SMART Software Activation dialog box appears.  


·  You have to install Senteo software 1.0 SP3. on the same computer as Notebook software 10, you must install it before you install Notebook software 10.
·  Uninstall older versions of SMART Board™ software and Notebook software, leave the senteo software if it is already installed.
S:\PC_Setup\Applications\Specialty Apps\SmartBoard\Version 10
Activate Notebook software 10

SMART TECH suggests visting their site to dowload the-

SMART Response interactive response system

You still need to uninstall all old software, but the smart response software takes the place of the senteo and works with the clickers.  It also installs notebook, and the smart driver.  Make sure you are hooked up to an ethernet cable and not trying to download wirelessly.  The gallery of objects is too big and will take forever.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sync Up the Computer with an Internet Time Source

On the Taskbar right click on the time in the lower right corner
and select Adjust Date/Time from the pop up menu.

On the opening screen of The Date and Time Properties window verify
the month, year, and date are correct, and make any changes if needed.

Click on the Internet Time tab. 
Make sure the Automatically synchronize with

an Internet time server box is checked. Select the time server from the

drop down list or type it in. Click Apply when finished.
Click Update Now.
Click OK when finished.
Credit for this information goes to Dale Rapp:)

Wireless for Laptops that don't have Novell

Windows Remote Desktop Directions For CRS needing Wireless Code without Novell

First Step – Turn on Remote Access
Right click on My Computer and go to Properties.  Click on the Remote tab and make sure in the Remote Desktop area that “Allow Users to Connect remotely to this computer” is checked.  Click Apply and then close window.
Second Step – Obtaining the IP address
Make sure laptop is plugged into the network at your building.  Go to Start/Run and type cmd in the space and click OK.  A black DOS window will open.  At the C: prompt type ipconfig.  The IP address is listed as shown in picture.

Credit for this information goes to Jill Brenton:)

How to Use Senteo Smart Response

Pull the excel file with your class list onto your desk top.

  1. Open your Senteo notebook.
  2. At some point, you’ll be asked to name your classroom.  I would recommend just "Teacher_Name" ...i.e. "Schmitt".  Don’t specify AM or PM because the name you give becomes the name for all your classes.  Unfortunately, I can’t remember when it asks for this.  It’s a one-time-only thing.
  3. Under Senteo, choose Senteo Manager.
  4. Under File, choose Import Class From then Microsoft Excel.
  5. Find the first file and click on it.
  6. The kids’ names should appear in the Manager.
  7. Under File, click Save and name your file.
  8. When you turn on the clickers (make sure the sensor that comes with the Senteo system is plugged into your computer), it will make a guess at what class you want.  If it doesn’t show whatever you’ve named your classroom (Rocklage?), you have to go down to Find a Class.  After you’ve gotten your class, you have to put in their ID number.  I always assign clicker #1 to kid #1 and so on.  That makes it easier to put in their IDs.
  9. Go ahead with the quiz.
  10. After you’re finished, go to Senteo at the top of the page and choose Export Results To and choose where you want the results to end up.  Don’t forget this step!!  If you don’t do this, you lose all your scores.
Credit for these Instructions goes to Patty Roe...Thnx Patty:)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Create a group in GroupWise

Directions for GW (using a Novell login at school)
To Create a Group in GroupWise:

Open a new mail window.

In New Mail, click on Address.

Find names and create a list on the right side column.

Click Save Group – choose where to save the group in the drop down menu – save it in the Groups Book.

Give the Group a name.

To Edit a Group you have already created:

In New Mail, click on Address.

Look In:  Groups Book

Click one time on the group you want to edit.

Click on Details. 

If you want to Add a new name, Click on Add.

Find the new name and add it to the list.

If you want to Delete a name, Click on the name in the list you want to remove and then click on Remove.

Click OK.

To Use the List you Created:

Open New Mail.  Click on Address.  Choose the Groups Book.  Find the name of the group you wish to use.  Click on it and then click To.

To Create a Group in GroupWise (online from home):

Create a Personal Address Book with your name on it:
Under the mailbox tab choose "address book".
At the top choose "Address Book Options"
Click on Create next to "create address book".
Give the address book a name and click OK.
Go back to the mail and click on Contacts on the left hand side.
Click on the address book in where you want to keep your groups.

Create a new group:
Open a new mail window.

In New Mail, click on the Address Book you plan to keep the group in.

1. Type in the last name of the person you want in the group and click search.

2. Chec the box next to the correct name and click TO above it.

This will begin a list on the right side column. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to continue to add names to the group
Click Save Group – choose where to save the group in the drop down menu – save it in the Groups Book.

Give the Group a name.

Click "Save"

EDIT A GROUPTo edit a Group, click ADDRESS BOOK in the GroupWise main window.  Then choose the address book from the drop down menu (ie your own personal address book).  Click search. Click on the name of the group you want to modify.  Click Modify. Check the box next to the name and click To: above it.  (you may have to click search in order to see the address books listed in the left pane), check the appropriate Address Book in the left-hand pane (one with your name, etc) and choose TO.  On the right hand pane click on the red X next to the name/s you want to remove.  Click save group.
TIP: After editing a Contact or Group, you should delete the "old" entry out of your Frequent Contacts Address Book so the system will not pull the "old" information when emailing that Contact or Group.

To Use the List you Created:

Open New Mail.  Click on Address.  Choose the Groups Book.  Find the name of the group you wish to use.  Click on it and then click To.

Frequent Contacts directions

Clean up your Frequent Contacts address book at least once a schoolyear!  If you don't you won't have the most up to date lists of names (like Mrs. New Teacher) when you do a Claymont All Staff!

To delete Frequent Contacts: Open your Address Book from your main mail window.  Click on Frequent Contacts in the list on the left side.  Go to the Edit menu and select all.  Click on the delete trash can. Click yes that you want to delete.

If there are any addresses in frequent contacts that you don't have anyplace else - copy them to your personal address book, also on the list on the left side.  You can right click on these names, choose copy to and then choose your name to transfer it.

Thanks again Jacki M!

How to Save Documents to the K Drive

Make sure all of the files and folders that you wish to save are in your "My Documents" folder. Any files and folders that are on your desktop should be dragged or copied and pasted into your "My Documents" folder which is located on your desktop. (Copying and pasting is safer)

You can right mouse click on any files or folders on your desktop, choose copy and then right mouse click on My Documents located on your desktop and choose paste.

Once that is done, do the following:
- Locate your "My Documents" folder on your desktop and double click on it.
- With this folder open, go to Edit and click.
- From the drop down list click on Select All. (Now all your items are highlighted)
- Go back to Edit and click.
- From the drop down list click on Copy.
- Go back to your desktop and double click My Computer.
- Find and double click your "K" drive.
- Right mouse click in a space inside this folder, being careful not to click on a folder or
  file, and select paste from the drop down list.

Now all of Your Documents are on your "K" drive and will be backed up at night.
Do this often to minimize the chance of losing data if your HD crashes or something happens to your laptop.

* When you do this after the initial time, a prompt will come up telling you a file or folder already exist and do you want to over-ride it. Say yes. After you've done this a few times you can just click "Yes to All".

Keep in mind you only have 1Gb of disk space so placing a lot of pictures or music on your "K" drive will not be good. A good rule of thumb is; Do not place personal pictures in your "My Documents" folder. You can keep these in another folder but they will not be backed up. Only what you save to your "K" drive will be backed up.
If you have pictures or music you wish to safe guard you should burn them to a CD or thumb drive. If you need help with that let your CRS know. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Installing Novell and Zen on SSD Computers

Plug a jump drive in to your computer.
Go to S:\PC_Setup\Applications\Specialty Apps\SSDInstall 10-11 and copy the 5 files that are located inside the SSDInstall 10-11 folder on to the jump drive.
Log in on the SSD laptop as the teacher and insert the jump drive.
Double click on My Computer. Make a note of the drive letter associated with the jump drive.
Double click on the jump drive and then double click on the SSD install icon.
When the black box opens, enter the drive letter associated with the jump drive. Enter just the letter, do not enter colon after the letter.
GroupWise client installation will begin. When it is done, click Finish.
Novell client installation will begin.
When Novell is finished installing, do not Reboot. Click on close so that ZENworks will startinstalling. When ZENworks is done installing, the machine will automatically reboot. After the computer reboots, click on the Advanced button and enter the settings as shown below:
Tree: parkway, Context: login, Server:
Log in as Username:  and Password:
Once logged on, you will need to change the computer name. Right click on My Computer and goto Properties. Click on the Computer Name tab and then click on the Change button. Enter the
computer name per the District Naming Standards and enter PKWY for the workgroup.
Next Click on Start – Run and type in I:acu and run the Novell updates . The machine may give an option to restart. Click no and continue. Next click on Start – Run and type in I:zen and run the Zen updates. Machine will automatically restart after the updates are done.
Login as Username:  and Password: and register the machine.

GroupWise Client Upgrade Instructions

Step 1: Check if GroupWise has been upgraded to the latest client version on your machine:
Open GroupWise
Click on “Help”
Go down to and click on “About GroupWise”
The Program Release is located just under the Novell GroupWise box
Program Release should be: 8.0.2 7/7/2010 followed by the path.
If the Program Release is 8.0.2, you’re okay and no further action is needed
If the Program Release is not 8.0.2, follow the next steps

Step 2: Open “My Computer” and check to see if your “K” and “I” drives are there.
If they are, advance to Step 4.
If they are not shown, you are working in “Work Station Only mode.
Go to Step 3.

Step 3: Connect to the Network
Right click on N in lower corner of screen (to the left of the time)
Click on Novell Login (top line)
Enter your Novell user name and password and click OK

Step 4: Upgrade GroupWise to 8.0.2
Click on “start” in lower left corner of screen
Click on “Run”
Type in i:gw8 in the Open: box
Click “OK”
Wait until the “Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for GroupWise” box
pops up. Note: This can take few minutes.
Click “Next” twice and wait for the “GroupWise – Ready to Install” window
Click “Install” and wait – Note: This can take several minutes.
Click “Finish” on the InstallShield Wizard Completed box.

Step 5: Confirm Update – Repeat Step 1
Open GroupWise
Click on “Help”
Go down to and click on “About GroupWise”
Verify that your Program Release is: 8.0.2 7/7/2010 followed by the

How to Clean Up your Hard Drive

Cleaning up HD’s

Step 1
Click the Windows "Start" button. Move your cursor to "Settings" and "Control Panel." Double-click to open "Control Panel."
Step 2
Double-click the "Internet Options" icon – General Tab – Browsing History, click “Delete Files”. Click “OK” to confirm.  Once all files have been deleted, exit Control Panel.
Step 3
Open Firefox, Select "Tools" and "Options" from the Firefox menu if you are using Mozilla Firefox as your Internet Browser. Click the Privacy Tab, click the “Clear Now” button "Cache" section. Then under “Advanced” Tab – Network Tab – “Clean Now”.
Step 4
Press the "Start" button. Select "Run" from the menu. Type "cmd" in the Run box. At the prompt, type "ipconfig /flushdns." You will receive confirmation when the command runs successfully. Type "exit" after the command has completed.
Step 5
Right-click the "Start" button. Choose "Explore" from the menu. Double-click the "C;" drive. Navigate to the "Windows" folder and open it. Search for the "Temp" folder and double-click it.
Step 6
Choose "Edit" from the menu. Click "Select All." When all the temp files are highlighted, select "File" and "Delete" from the menu. Click "Yes" to verify that you want to delete all the files.

Credit for this information goes to Don Kelley:)

Updating Wireless or WLAN (wireless local area network) on Laptops

If the laptop is not detecting the wireless follow these steps to update:
Right click on "My Computer"
Click on "Manage"
4On the left menu, choose "Device Manager"
On the right, expand the menu for "Network Adapters"
There should be 4 different entries, look for anything that either has "wireless" or "WLAN" in the name
Right click on the entry and then choose "Update Driver"
Credit for these instructions go to Brian Wood:)

Printing Labels in Word

espradlin, eHow Member
Instructions Moderately Easy
Things You'll Need:
Small-Medium Sized Brain
How to Print Labels in Word
Pull up a blank Microsoft Word Document.
Select "Tools" under the toolbar feature. Slide the cursor down to Letters and Mailing. Slide it to the Right and
down. Select "Envelopes/Labels."
3. A box will open up. Make sure that the "labels" tab at the top is selected. The default is "envelope", so you must click on the "labels" tab.
Below that, you will see a "print" box. If you want a full page of labels (excellent for Christmas lists, etc.), make sure the "Full Page of Same Label" radio
button is selected. If you only want to do one label, make sure the "Single Label" radio button is selected.
Off to the right side, you will see the word "Option." Press on that. Locate your label. Whatever labels you are using should have their
classification number listed on the bottom left corner of the outside of the box. They tend to be 4 digits (ie. 5162 is the number for Avery
White Mailing Labels.)
6. Once you have located your number on the box, find the corresponding number under the "Options Tab." Highlight it. Press Okay.
You will see "New Document" in the upper right hand corner. Press that.
Presto! You can now fill in an entire box of labels and send out very classy looking envelopes!
Labels can be an amazing tool for a lot of different things. Obviously awesome for mailings, they also do wonders for home and personal organization.
Home» Computers» Computer Software» Word Processing Software» How to Print Labels in Word
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Tips & Warnings
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on 9/11/2010
Thanks for the reminder.
on 9/10/2009
Great article 5 stars and a recommendation. Please check out my new article. Thanks
on 6/17/2008
custom size label from kenco label who has thousands of sizes for your inkjet or laser printer you can simply set the margin.
when you choose labels, you can doubble click on the picture of the label to change the label size or margin. If you buy a
How to Print Labels in Word | Page 2 of 2 10/22/2010


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Replacing a SMARTboard Projector Bulb

1)  Add the projector into ITAM
2)  J. Schaeffer will retrieve the PO for the bulb order
3)  Find out if there is a lamp error showing and how many hours are left on the projector.  This can be found under the menu section on the projector under Settings.
4)  The bulb can take up to a week to come in.
5)  The old bulb can be e-scrapped.

Add Wireless to SSD Teacher Laptop

Call the Tech Help Desk...give them the last name of the SSD teacher.
1)  Go the "my computer"
2)  Click on the Remote Tab and change this so the tech help desk can remotely access the computer (change this back when finished)
3) Click on START, run and type cmd.  Then type the command "ipconfig", the ip address will read 10.9.__._
4) The Tech Help Desk will control the computer and hook up wireless for the laptop.

NOTE-  Charter sometimes causes issues with the IP address and kicks off the PKwireless IP address when the teacher connects to wireless at home.  The can be remedied by going into network connections and disabling the home wireless.

Discovery Education Streaming and Audio with VLC player

First-  Open the VLC media player and copy a shortcut of the program to your desktop.  This program will play your downloaded videos.

Second- download the video by clicking on the “filmstrip”

Third-  click “save” and save the video to your desktop where you can find it☺

Now click on the movie on your desktop and when it begins to play, w/o sound, choose Audio from the menu and and Disable.  (Seems illogical…right?)

Last, go back to Audio and choose “Track1” to re-enable the audio.  Works everytime.
Who woulda THUNK? ☺

NOTE- If the audio quits mid-movie, just repeat the last two steps of the instructions.  Also, the audio will not keep up with the movie if you "drag" the movie ahead.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Update Your Computer

Update Your Laptop
1.  Group Wise (I:gw8)
2.  Adobe (launch in programs, help, check for updates)
3.  IE (click on the blue e, tools, windows update)
4.  Java (start, settings, control panel, classic view, Java, update tab)
5.  Novell (I:acu) and Zen (I:zen) updates must go together and require you system to restart when complete.  DO NOT REBOOT INBETWEEN RUNNING THE i:acu and i:zen.  The computer will automatically restart after the i:zen update.

Friday, October 1, 2010

How to reimage a machine

Before reimaging a machine PLEASE READ THIS POST and backup the machine.

START on page 9 of the CRS Quick Reference Guide.
This is a pretty accurate guide.
One correction is on number 2

2. 1st Screen: Microsoft Windows 98 Startup Menu
Choose the appropriate network card
Most will be #4 (Broadcom B57)
Marvell Yukon option for the 6555b laptop (Image with Office 2010 for new elementary images)
For the laptop model 6715b, use #6 (CORRECTION- use #5)
Press Enter

Registering Procedure Checklist

Before reimaging a machine:
write a ticket to the tech help desk to let them know to delete the machine. Give the name of the machine.
After reimaging the machine
1) log in as an administrator or reg... and rename the machine
2) Go into the I: drive and open the ITAM folder, install ITAM
Restart the machine and log in as REG... and click registerstudent or registerstaff from the Applications Window. Machines that are registered to staff will have the applications automatically pushed out to the machine. Tell the tech help desk to push out the apps for a student registered machine by identifying the group/ room number of the machine. Include what printers to add to the machine and any specialty apps.

Laptop Battery Replacement Procedure

Make sure the computer is plugged in with a power cord. Use HP battery test found in the Control Panel. If there is no charge, write a ticket to the Tech Help desk including the computer name, serial number, and part number. The serial and part number should be that of the computer, not the battery. Print a copy of the ticket and include it with the old battery when sending it back to the help desk. Make a note of the battery replacement in ITAM for your records.

NOTE-  When replacing multiple batteries, enter one ticket for all batteries instead of multiple tickets.  Add all of the info in the notes section or attach a spreadsheet.

"Tree/ Server Cannot be found"

If you get this message when trying to log in to a desktop, the internet cable is probably not connected properly. Check both ends of the cable or try replacing it with another cable. When you see this message on a laptop, the wireless is probably turned off;)

Assigning Printers to Computers in a room/ "Group"

Write the technology help desk and ask for a certain "group", usually associated with the room number in the computer's name, to print to a certain printer/s. This works for laptop carts as well. Use white electrical tape to label each printer by name in the building. This makes it easy for all users to identify the printers.

Installing Printers Using i-Print

Log-in as a teacher or administrator. Type the word "print" into the URL, browser address bar. A list of all of the district printers will appear in alphabetical order. Find your schools printers by locating the printers that start with the abbreviation for your school, i.e. CMS for Central Middle Schoolt. Click the printers that you want to install form the list. Each download takes about 3 minutes. If you are having trouble, select the install i-print from the top part of the screen. Then try again.

Note for CRS:  Printers must be added manually by the building administrator to staff machines.  For student machines, email Kevin B. the group that needs to print to a certain printer and then restart the machine to see the printers in the printer and faxes section.

Applications Window (SS)

If an application in the student application's window contains (SS), aka "snapshot", after it, it must be first launched under an administrative login. Next, log in as a student and launch the program. An example of this is PhotoStory (SS).

HP Active Chat

Go to the technology homepage choose HP Links. This will take you to a list that includes HP Active Chat. At this link you will choose "launch an active chat session". Once you have completed the chat, HP will ask for all of your contact information. Have this already handy in a Word document so that you can just cut and paste it at the end. The contact info should include your name, school address, and two phone numbers. Make sure to print the chat or save it as a pdf. Also, copy the tracking ticket and file a copy until all replacement parts are received.


Remove Zen Works App and Novell Client

If it is necessary to remove the Zen /Novell login for sending in a computer to HP follow these steps:

1. LOG INTO the computer with the Workstation Only Box checked, as the computer will need to be logged in through Windows in the future.

2. My computer, click on Add/ remove programs under Systems Task, remove ZEN Works App FIRST and then Novell client for workstation SECOND.

The next step is only necessary if you are sending the computer to HP.  Do not do this step if you are removing Zen and Novell for an SSD teacher or a teacher who plans to use their regular login.
3.  Control Panel, user accounts, choose "change the users logon and off", choose "use the welcome screen".